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photo of a room inside The Family Center shelter
Photo of girl standing alone
Photo of women with linked arms and hands forming hearts to show support


Our primary responsibility is to provide safe shelter 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for people who are in crisis as a result of domestic violence. The shelter is a home-like environment in a secured building. It offers a safe "timeout" for all family members and gives an opportunity to regain strength and control.  

Advocacy services are available to men, women, and children who are dealing with current and/or past abusive experiences. As an inclusive organization, we offer services to LGBTQ+ clients and clients with limited English language skills. Criminal justice, and legal, personal advocacy is also available during divorce or custody proceedings and in criminal cases related to domestic violence.  

To help build self-esteem, improve coping skills, and to offer an opportunity to speak with others who have had similar experiences, we offer self-help and support groups for women and children.  

Equal Access and Gender Identity Rule

Purpose:  The purpose of this policy is to ensure Wisconsin Rapids Family Center is compliant with HUD’s final rule, 24 CFR Part 5, Equal Access in Accordance with and Individual’s Gender Identity in Community Planning and Development Programs.  

Gender identity:  means the gender with which a person identifies, regardless of the sex assigned to that person at birth and regardless of the person’s perceived gender identity.  

Perceived gender identity:  means the gender with which a person is perceived to identify based on that person’s appearance, behavior, expression, other gender-related characteristics, or sex assigned at to the individual at birth or identified in documents.

Sexual orientation:  means one’s emotional or physical attraction to the same and/or opposite sex (e.g. homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bi-sexuality)

Policy: In accordance with the HUD’s Final Rule, housing programs must be made available to individuals and families without regard to actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status.  The Final Rule also prohibits recipients of HUD funds from inquiring about sexual orientation or gender identity to determine eligibility for programs, benefits, housing or services.

Accommodations should be made based on the individual’s gender identity.  Victims of domestic violence of all genders and gender identities are sheltered on site.

If an individual feels they have been discriminated against based on their gender or gender identity, they can file a Grievance (C-4201 Client Grievance), or report the discrimination following the agency’s Non-Discrimination in Services Policy (C-7204), or report any harassment following the C-7301 Harassment Policy.

An individual’s transgender status should be kept confidential, unless they give permission to share this information.  

Encourage the individual to evaluate their own safety within the shelter.  Staff will accommodate reasonable requests regarding safety.

Wisconsin Rapids Family Center will use appropriate, inclusive language in communications, publications, trainings, personnel handbooks and other policy documents to affirm Wisconsin Rapids Family Center’s commitment to serving all eligible clients in adherence with the HUD Equal Access Rule.  

Wisconsin Rapids Family Center will ensure all project participants understand their rights to equal access, including privacy rights and the implication of releasing information.

Our mission is to empower those affected by domestic violence and sexual assault and to address the root causes of abuse in the community through education and advocacy

Our vision is a community that acts to help people live free of domestic violence and sexual assault



Office Hours

8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Monday through Friday

Closed weekends & holidays

Business line: 715-421-1559

Fax: 715-421-3036

24 Hr Crisis Line: 715-421-1511
Visitation Program: 715-424-6185
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