The Family Center is here to provide support for victims of sexual violence and/or assault.
Call 715-421-1511 anytime to speak with and advocate.
What is sexual violence?
Sexual violence is any act (verbal and/or physical) which breaks a person’s trust and/or safety and is sexual in nature. The term “sexual violence” includes: rape, incest, child sexual assault, date and acquaintance rape, marital or partner rape, sexual contact, sexual harassment, exposure, and voyeurism.
What is sexual assault?
Under Wisconsin Law, Sexual Assault is defined as any sexual contact or sexual intercourse with another person without consent.
Sexual assault can take the form of:
Sexual Harassment
Forcing a person to pose for sexual pictures
Unwanted sexual touching
Rape or attempted rape
More often, however, sexual assault involves psychological coercion and taking advantage of an individual who is under duress or incapacitated and, therefore, incapable of making a decision on his/her own (including under the influence of alcohol, drugs and/or prescription medications).
Sexual assault is a crime motivated by a need to control, humiliate, and harm. Perpetrators use sexual assault as a weapon to hurt and dominate others. Rape is a form of sexual assault. Although stranger rape does occur, rapes are often committed by people victims know (romantic partners, acquaintances, friends).
Rape or sexual assault are never the victim’s fault —
no matter when, where or how it happens.
Common Reactions to Sexual Assault Include:
Loss of control
Sense of vulnerability
Self-blame/guilt for "allowing" the crime to happen
Feeling that these reactions are a sign of weakness