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Self-help and support groups are geared to help build self-esteem, improve coping skills, and to offer an opportunity to speak with others who have had similar experiences. All information discussed is considered confidential.


Survivors’ Support Group
Facilitated by Sexual Assault Victim Services Coordinator and Violence Prevention Specialist/Advocate 
Next Meeting: Call Wisconsin Rapids Family Center at 715-421-1559 for date and location information.


Purpose: A support group for survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual violence that focuses on understanding the impacts of trauma and abuse. The topics of empowerment, choice, connection, and hope will be discussed.

*Meal and Childcare Provided


Youth Group
Facilitated by Child and Youth Services Coordinator
Next Meeting: Call Wisconsin Rapids Family Center at 715-421-1559 for date and location information.


Purpose: A support group for children and youth who have witnessed abuse, been abused, or sexually assaulted. The topics of emotions and feelings, self-esteem, coping skills, and healthy relationships will be discussed. 

Hmong Women's Group
Facilitated by the Hmong Services Coordinator and Hmong Advocate

Next Meeting: Call Wisconsin Rapids Family Center at 715-421-1559 for date and location information.


Purpose: Topics that will be covered include: safety planning, strengths, stress management, and information about domestic abuse and sexual assault.

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